strong vs weak

Staying Healthy, Not Fit

It is not easy getting older and realising you cannot do the same things you used to. The number one reason for this simply comes down to the amount of energy we have, and where we can spend it on. Family and career become the most important energy consumers of the day, all the rest become an after thought. A day feels successful if the career as progressed, and the family is doing well. After those are confirmed, then we worry about our health. For people who do not have a family and career to worry about, being unhealthy is mainly due to personal mentality, and the inability to get started in living a healthy life. Education on healthy living in my opinion is not the problem. Everybody in the modern world knows a well balanced diet, not over indulging in savoury and sweets, and moving more leads to health.

The problem that is challenging to most people is the differentiation in the brain between being healthy, and being fit. A person who has lost their fitness level does not mean they are unhealthy. A 32 year old person who is starting a family and has a career and who likes pushing themselves physically, will never be as fit as a person who is 32 without a family and career, and can focus more energy on pushing themselves. This does not mean that the person who is more fit, is more healthy. It is true that vigorous exercise does increase ones HDL cholesterol, which is good for health, but it also increases free radicals which is bad for health. This is just a basic example of how there can be positives and negatives to every health choice.

The main reason for this blog is for people to realise that becoming less fit, does not make you less healthy. Do not be discouraged if you do not have the energy left after a long day to do the workouts you used to do. Do less intense walks, get up and move around during the day, work out less often and eat better. Also, if you are having trouble finding the urge or passion to do a long workout, start with something basic like cutting out half the sweets from your diet and sit down less. Do not focus on being more fit, focus on being more healthy. Health benefits start way before changing your fitness level.

Great article on staying healthy Click Here.