Pain and pregnancy will always be connected. The changes of the body happening to the mother during pregnancy are greater than any change anyone will face naturally over that small amount of time. If there is a steady weight gain over many years, the body usually adapts to it by gaining stronger muscles in areas where needed. Ligaments and bones in the body change to adapt to the weight gain over time. During pregnancy, there is limited time for the body to adapt to the increase in weight, and weight distribution. Ligaments and bones usually do not change to adapt due to hormonal reasons, and sometimes the ligaments become less prepared for an increase in weight.
Pain areas during pregnancy are very similar in most women. The low back and the hips are the most common, due to the increased curvature in the lower spine. The increased extension in the low spine results in the entire pelvis being pushed forward causing an anterior pelvic tilt. The tilt can hinder blood flow up and down the legs, and can also cause issues with the nerve innervation in the lower limbs. Increasing blood flow to the lower limbs is of vital importance during these treatments.
Along with the pain in the lower region of the body, the growing baby often makes it harder for the ribs to raise during an unconscious breath involving just the diaphragm. The diaphragm is also more on tension at all times due to the changes in the rib cage. This leads to other muscles such as the scalenes, there serratus anterior, the pec minor, and other breathing muscles to be used more often leading to neck and shoulder pain. The issues with the ribs also lead to slightly misplaced or “stuck” ribs, leading to more pain.
Overall, during the treatment of the pregnant woman, limiting the curves in the spine and relaxing the muscles which cause the change in the curve usually leads to pain relief. Also, using specific muscles to help lift the ribs, or move altered ribs, make it easier for the mother to breathe. Sometimes the weight begins to be borne on one hip more that the other. Making sure the hips are in proper position is very important to ensure during the treatment of pregnant women.
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Great article on why you might want to see an Osteopath during pregnancy... — FITMOM Ottawa HERE.